Because I love him, are the words I hear you say
What ever happened to saying, because I love myself?
What ever happened to your feelings, do they not exist?
It took three heart breaks for me to realize this at the age of twenty-six.
It's been so long since I’ve seen your face smile, those eyes lighten,
So long since I’ve heard your words of positivity.
All I see is your soul ponder in circle of despair,
You look in all directions searching for the signs,
All your answers are deep in your soul.
Open your eyes my friend, and see what’s inside.
You are not alone, I am here for you.
To hold your hands, Catch your tears
That’s why God gave us each other, To lift each other up when needed.
All I can do is listen to your pain.
Hope that one day you will see your significance as a woman,
Hope that one day you will see what you deserve,
What you’ve long to ear, feel, see, and hold.
It’s not a fantasy that you desire,
its true love that you have not yet experience.
1. Heartbreak- great sorrow, grief, or anguish.
2. Lighten- to brighten or light up, as the eyes or features.
3. Positivity- the state or character of being positive: a positivity that accepts the world as it is.
4. Despair- to give up hope of.
5. Ponder- to weigh carefully in the mind; consider thoughtfully
6. Significance- the quality of being significant or having a meaning.
1. How __________________ is school to you?
2. Sometimes I just ______________ on how life would be with out Facebook.
3. When you lose hope you will feel____________.
4. Those words of ______________ always touch my heart.
5. Her face ____________________ed when she heard the good news.
6. A _______________ is always hard to over come, but it's possible.
Pronouns are any member of a small class of words found in many languages that are used as replacements or substitutes for nouns and noun phrases, and that have very general reference, as I, you, he, this, who, what. Pronouns are sometimes formally distinguished from nouns, as in English by the existence of special objective forms, as him for he or me for I, and by nonoccurence with an article or adjective.
Look over the poem and write 5 pronouns that you find and write a sentence using each one.
Nice work, again, Marleny. You have expressed your feelings so nicely.