Career- Noun- A profession for which one trains for.
Flu- Noun- Any of several virus diseases marked especially by respiratory or intestinal symptoms.
Classmate- Noun-A member of the same class in a school or college.
Dizzy- Adjective: Having a whirling sensation in the head with a tendency to falling.
Opportunity- Noun- A good chance for advancement or progress.
Sore- Adjective- Painfully sensitive : tender
Practice: Using the words above place the word in the space that it fits in the sentence.
Sam and Sue are____________. They attend classes together and love to work together on projects. Any __________________ that comes they grab it so they can work together. They plan to major in the same_____________ once they graduate from college. One day Sam was feeling sick and felt that he was coming down with the ______. He went to the Doctor's office and told the Doctor his body felt ______________ and he also felt ___________. Unfortunately Sam and Sue had a big project due in class that upcoming week. Sue had to work on her own on the project with you Sams help, but Sue understood because Sam was sick and couldn't work on his conditions.
Noun: A noun refers to a person, a place, or a thing. Look over the reading and see how many nouns you can come up with.
Amy had told me about this. I am thrilled that you were chosen, and I know that you will be brilliant at the job.